And the search continues

So after the guy who was different, I had to get back on the dating wagon... Again! 

This brings my dating stories right up to date... And maybe I'll post about some else after this one haha.

I went straight back on tinder after that, searching for the validation that I'm desired again. And that's what I got... Match after match of a whole bunch of men, most of whom just wanted to hook up.

I've decided that I'm not interested in just sleeping with guy after guy after guy. That's note the way to meet someone and so after getting told I'm beautiful and wanted, I block those guys.

I can even admit when a guy started messaging dirty stuff to me today after I asked him how he was, I blatantly told him I wasn't that girl and I've got a lot more respect for myself than to go there. 

I have however spoken to a few interesting ones, most turn out to be psychos or have this obsession (like someone else I know!) of finding something better than the last, instead of getting to know what's right in front of them.

There's been one date in the last month or so, and the guy looked nothing like his profile pictures - like seriously, don't have pictures with hair as how you look if you don't have hair!!! 

He also had no personality, which left me talking to myself , which is a trend I have it would seem. He also text me a few hours later, saying he wished I'd gone home with him.... We'll hold up buddy that would've indicated that I was interested, which I was not.  I couldn't get out of there quick enough! 

So the dating continues and as always onwards and upwards!! 


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