Oh dear... I call catfish

Has anyone ever seen the movie Catfish, which then turned into a TV series phenomenon?

Well I have and to be honest it's not the best thing to stumble across when you're giving online dating a go.  The one thing I've found is that I've been able to relate to more than a few of the stories including Nev's original story, of having someone at the end of the phone that wasn't real.

I matched with a guy (Shaun 2, as we subsequently called him), who claimed to have been passing through Perth on his way back to Port Hedland, which is how we were close enough to match.  For those unsure on how tinder works you set search parameters of age and distance and go from there, my distance is set to 30km... Coz I don't want to match with anyone from Midland, Rockingham, Kwinana - the list goes on.

Initially Shaun seemed like a normal guy, if anything maybe a little bit of a textaphile, before he seriously turned on the charm and had me a little hook line and sinker on his story.

As you're all aware I'm never a fan of talking to someone on the phone before meeting them but his charm worked!! So after a week of texting and a night out drinking with a friend, I found myself answering his call and spending hours on the phone to him. I even added him on Facebook which is normally a big no no for me.

He ticked so many boxes, right age, not ugly (well not by his pictures anyway), ambitious, had his own business and was sweet.  I was excited at the possibility of something good - note to all - never give up hope when online dating!! 

But in this instance I got catfished.... Bad!!!!  After many phone calls, then him disappearing for a few days, promises of trips to Perth or me there (he even gave me his credit card details), to some more disappearing when I started asking some more questions about his timeline of life, which meant his math was bad or he lied like a liar. But I ate up everything he had a sifted out things that didn't seem right.

When the second round of disappearing occurred I released my inner psycho, just a little bit, including taking the advice of a friend and looking up his business, which was listed as only a month old when he'd told me set it up 18 months ago.  My poor friends wore it to start with, before I started being very blunt to Shaun 2 when he resurfaced and hadn't booked tickets to Perth.  After this he just stopped replying... Yep he disappeared again, this time for good.

So I got catfished, again, I don't think it was the first but hopefully it was the last... Until next time.


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