Where to start?

First thing to say is blogging is not new to me... And to be honest this is the third one I've started, but the others didn't feel right and they didn't make sense, so this is my attempt at telling the whole story of how I've changed my life and working harder to have it make sense. 

Please don't mistake this blog for something about exercise or self help... This is far from that, it's about the stories that have changed me, some dating, some about being independent and others just plain silly about things I've done.

So where to start... 

In order to have it make sense, I think it's important to start with a bit of background on what's lead me to who I am and to note that my life is amazing, even in the rough times, although I could only see it when they ended. 

So the career run down, I finished school, had no idea what I wanted to do, went on student exchange for 6 months in Canada (yep I went and did another 6 months of school, strange I know), got a job as a secretary before moving onto fly in fly out (FIFO) admin work for about 5 years, got over that (coz life is petty dysfunctional and you become so disconnected) and somehow found myself still working for a civil & mining contractor doing safety admin, that then lead to managing injuries... And that's where I've found myself for the last 3 years. 

Relationships - During the past 11 years I've found myself in 3 very different relationships, all of which ended badly. I'm not going to write about them on here because they are so long ago and are well in the past, but I do think that because of how different they all were, they lead me to search high and low for the kind of relationship I want to be in. In terms of friendships, I've got the most amazing friends, some have come and gone from my life and others have become pieces of furniture in it, so much so that I don't think I could live without them. They all bring something different to my life and add value to it... I hope they can say the same about me.

So the now is that I've made a lot of changes in the last 2 months, the biggest of all is quitting my job with the contracting company after 4 years and making the move into insurance - still dealing with injuries but only workers' compensation. I'm hoping for a more supportive company/industry, more career opportunities and less emotional stress. Yes there will be more deadlines, pressure and I will have to adjust to working in a more corporate company, but I'm so excited for this change and I know this is 100% the right decision.

Since making this change I've been very chilled out and have actually met someone who I can comfortably say I'm dating, I don't know how to define this relationship, nor do I need to, but I'm really happy with what's happening and am enjoying the journey.

So that's me, simple but true. 

Now onto the stories that have made me.


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