New Month, New Job

Today was day 1 at the big new scary job with the insurance company and I survived it!

Surprisingly it wasn't that scary once I got there and I actually enjoyed it. By lunch time, although I hadn't done much work, I knew I'd made the right decision and that I'm going to succeed at this challenge.

With such a big change to my career, it's left me looking backwards, but it a good way. I realised it's been almost 9 years since I last worked in the city and in a proper corporate environment, so that makes 9 years of being a dirty civil & mining contractor.

I spent 5 years working away, on predominately 3 weeks on, 1 week off rosters, and then when I'd had enough of that, I moved to the offices in the suburbs for the same civil & mining contracting companies. Most of that time was with 2 companies, which was the joke of today - I've got staying power after working for them, so no insurance company will break me quickly haha.

I had the pleasure, at my last company, in working for the person I can easily say is the best mentor and manager anyone could imagine. Uncle Clay Clay as I so fondly referred to him, was the person who employed me with the company, he was my ally when people hated, fought for me when I couldn't fight for myself, mentored me and help me grow so much as a person, but possibly the biggest thing he helped me with was to stop being so emotional... Not that it helped when he gave a speech at my leaving morning tea. 

I think back to these times and can honestly say they make me smile, yes there was hard work involved (which sometimes weren't very fun), I can say I did everything I possibly could, and reached some very high highs, they helped me become more resilient in my career and now it's time to get on with the learning, and possibly even conquer a whole new world! 


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