Sing us a song you're the piano man

It's been a busy couple of weeks and I've been getting back into the swing of dating, although I'm a whole lot less committed to meeting someone cool with my Europe trip fast approaching.

The piano man.... Where to start.... Maybe the stats
- 32
- never married, no children 
- lawyer
- lived alone with cute stuffy puppy 
- seemed like his mum cooked for him a lot
- into music

He seemed pretty normal... So I agreed to a date.

He was super busy with work so we agreed to meet for a coffee before work one morning. The agreed meeting place was the red piano at Brookfield Place and we had joked about him giving me a private performance. 

For those that don't know, Brookfield Place have 3 pianos that anyone can play around the bottom of the building, kinda iconic and super easy to find, they have a red, blue and purple one, weird I know! 

So there I was waiting by the red piano to meet him at 8.00am one morning, there was no sign of him but I could hear one of the other pianos been played, so I went to investigate when he didn't answer my call. BOOM!!! There he was playing the piano, like properly playing the piano.

We then moved around to one of the other pianos because he wanted to see how it played... Me still thinking that we were going for coffee (or tea or something a little stronger after the performance). Nope I was wrong, he just met me, didn't really speak, played the pianos and then left very hastily, saying he needed to get to court.

Um.... WHAT??!!! Where's the coffee? Where was the conversation? Oh geezus I'm so confused.

Confused enough to agree to meet him the following evening for a drink.... Which again was not as it seemed as he meant tea or coffee, huh after 5pm.... Who are you??? I'm thirsty for wine by that time. 

Definitely not the man for me!!! 

I noticed more the second date that he had very large teeth for his mouth and they were SSSOOOOO yellow and gross - I'm one of those people who can't cope if teeth aren't right, grosses me out to no end, clearly coz I'm writing it on here.

During our tea date, he proceeded to answer his phone, write emails and talk to about 10 people he knew who walked past in the space of half an hour, thank goodness I had a solid escape plan and my phone rang at the very right on cue. So I quickly ran away and never text him again.

Since those disastrous dates if they can be called that, I have run in to him the last two Fridays, I really hope that stops soon coz it's super awkward or maybe karma is coming back to bite me.


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