Call me one day?

Chris, he is the freshest of the fresh in terms on my men, and somehow I'm still hopeful he's gonna resurface and just call me one day.

I, of course, met Chris through tinder, and like most of the alright ones I wasn't that interested, I even cancelled our first date because I couldn't be bothered putting make up on. We then rescheduled for a week later after he was very keen to meet me... Come on a bit of an ego boost having a dude want to meet me. 

So off I went one Monday night for a quiet drink, we were first going to go somewhere in the city, but it didn't work out with when he finished work, so we went to the garden in Leedy (his choice which def earnt him points for picking a good spot). Drinks turned into dinner  and was left with an awkward hug at the end of the night but solid plans to catch up again the following night. 

Date 2, Tuesday night at a dive of a pub - varsity, for wings night - so much fun, so many drinks, before I knew it it was midnight and the bar was closing, which lead to my car having a sleepover. There were also some really lovely kisses at the end of the night, before he popped me into a cab to go home, alone. We'd again made plans to see each other again.

It was exciting, especially given he is perfect on paper, let alone how absolutely lovely he is. 

Our next date rolled around in the blink of an eye, and again another super fun, super easy night out that ended at his apartment. Sorry people no details here just yet, but I'll just say it was nice, comfortable and I was left smiling.  We even hung out the next morning prior to him flying out to Vietnam.

It was left with both of us saying we wanted to spend more time together and he'd call me when he got back.  He even later than day took himself off tinder (yep I've stalked!).

And that was two and a half weeks ago.

I'm not sure what's going to happen next  with this one, I like spending time with him, but I haven't heard from him and he was only supposed to be gone for a week and a half.

So I'm techinically not waiting by the phone (that story is yet to come) but I would definitely like him to call again! 


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