New Month, New Job

Today was day 1 at the big new scary job with the insurance company and I survived it! Surprisingly it wasn't that scary once I got there and I actually enjoyed it. By lunch time, although I hadn't done much work, I knew I'd made the right decision and that I'm going to succeed at this challenge. With such a big change to my career, it's left me looking backwards, but it a good way. I realised it's been almost 9 years since I last worked in the city and in a proper corporate environment, so that makes 9 years of being a dirty civil & mining contractor. I spent 5 years working away, on predominately 3 weeks on, 1 week off rosters, and then when I'd had enough of that, I moved to the offices in the suburbs for the same civil & mining contracting companies. Most of that time was with 2 companies, which was the joke of today - I've got staying power after working for them, so no insurance company will break me quickly haha. I had the pleasure, at my ...