Sing us a song you're the piano man

It's been a busy couple of weeks and I've been getting back into the swing of dating, although I'm a whole lot less committed to meeting someone cool with my Europe trip fast approaching. The piano man.... Where to start.... Maybe the stats - 32 - never married, no children - lawyer - lived alone with cute stuffy puppy - seemed like his mum cooked for him a lot - into music He seemed pretty normal... So I agreed to a date. He was super busy with work so we agreed to meet for a coffee before work one morning. The agreed meeting place was the red piano at Brookfield Place and we had joked about him giving me a private performance. For those that don't know, Brookfield Place have 3 pianos that anyone can play around the bottom of the building, kinda iconic and super easy to find, they have a red, blue and purple one, weird I know! So there I was waiting by the red piano to meet him at 8.00am one morning, there was no sign of him but I could hear one of the other pia...