Dating a guy and his baggage

I've recently been on two dates with Steve, who as of today, I've burned off my list. Steve's the first guy I've dated who had a child, now that's not significant but definitely raised some complications I hadn't encountered before... Especially when it came to his ex. I'd again like to point out I only went on two dates with him. He was nice, attractive and hilarious! He was straight forward when it came to his daughter and that he had a good relationship with his ex - so far so good. Date one went well other than him talking about dating and tinder... Hmm little weird but maybe he was just trying to find some common ground, without talking about his daughter all the time. He made me laugh so I thought it warranted a second date. Well date two, he talked extensively about his wife (oh so she was still his wife, that's different) and about other women he dated, including the last chick he met before me, who, he felt he needed to tell me, didn't loo...