The pretty woman proposition

A friend who is living in London recently told me that she had joined an online dating website called 'sugardaddy', she had told me about this site previously and I definitely encouraged her to get onto it, not to find a sugar daddy but to find guys to go on dates with. She's been doing it a little tough, living in a huge share house, trying to have an amazing time, travel and working full time does take it's toll and can definitely be draining on funds. So I thought it was a perfect way to get free meals without any commitment. I know this probably sounds very wrong, but when you're doing it tough, sometimes it can get depressing, so what a better way to cheer up than a free meal at a fancy place with hopefully a slightly attractive man. I'll admit I've done it recently just off some of the websites I've been on - please don't judge me for that. So I was pretty pumped to hear she had joined and even more impressed when she said she was setting ...